Saturday, August 11, 2018 by Ethan Huff
Using plants like cannabis (marijuana) and mitragyna speciosa (kratom) to support your health is considered “evil” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). But this same federal regulatory body sees absolutely no problem with extracting “fresh” body parts from aborted human babies and injecting their tissue into “humanized mice” in order to create artificial “human immune systems” in rodents.
Sickeningly enough, the FDA actually signed a contract on July 25 with a corporation known as Advanced Bioscience Resources, based out of San Francisco, that involved handing over nearly $16,000 in taxpayer money to the company to conduct this disturbing “research.”
“The objective is to acquire Tissue for Humanized Mice,” reads a June 13 “presolicitation notice” issued by the FDA, which also explains that the agreement will “provide the human fetal tissue needed to continue the ongoing research being led by the FDA.”
“Fresh human tissues are required for implantation into severely immune-compromised mice to create chimeric animals that have a human immune system,” the notice adds further.
The dictionary definition of a chimera, by the way, is an organism that contains “at least two different sets of DNA” – in essence, a genetically-modified (GMO) mutant animal, of sorts, that exists nowhere in nature. A chimera can also refer to a mythological “monster” that contains two or three species in one.
Think Mr. Tumnus from The Chronicles of Narnia, or some kind of half-fruit fly, half-Bt corn monstrosity. It’s Frankenstein’s monster being manufactured on the world stage, and it’s what the FDA seems to be where it’s focusing a large amount of public resources these days – even as the FDA openly condemns natural healing plants that actually support human health and longevity.
Is this really the best use of taxpayer dollars, especially considering the ethical and moral implications of not only creating new, unnatural species, but also using aborted human babies to accomplish such feats.
“…these beings threaten our social identity, our unambiguous status as human beings,” say Jason Scott Robert and Francoise Baylis, authors of a 2003 article published by Project Muse that condemns the very concept of chimeras. “What makes for unambiguous humanness?”
According to the FDA, the only type of human tissue that works for this chimeric research is aborted human baby tissue. The agency claims that tissue collected from miscarriages, for instance, won’t work (for whatever reason) – which means that demand for aborted human babies is only going to increase as a result of the FDA’s actions.
This is good news for Planned Parenthood, of course, which rakes in the big bucks by illegally selling aborted human body parts for cash. But it’s bad news for unborn children, which will now be viewed even less as the human beings they are, and more as expendable human resources to be exploited in the name of “science.”
“…by issuing a contract to acquire human fetal tissue to use in making mice with human immune systems, the FDA is using federal tax dollars to create a demand for human body parts that must be taken from babies who are aborted,” writes Terence P. Jeffrey for CNSNews.com.
“Because it would not be able to create its ‘humanized mice’ without fresh tissue taken from aborted babies, the FDA also has an interest in the continuation of legalized abortions at a stage in fetal development when the tissue needed to create these mice can be retrieved from the aborted baby.”
For more news about the corrupt FDA, be sure to check out FDA.news.
Sources for this article include:
Tagged Under: Tags: aborted babies, aborted human tissue, abortion, atrocity, badmedicine, badscience, cannabis, chimeras, corruption, evil, FDA, federal agency, fetal tissue, Food and Drug Administration, GMOs, humanized mice, Illegal, kratom, Liberty, medical ethics, Planned Parenthood, Twisted, weird science