The mainstream media’s coverage of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s having been asked by incoming President Donald J. Trump to lead …
We love Breitbart News and its reporting, but one recent article by Breitbart made a shocking departure from its regularly …
Big Pharma has been subject to immense scrutiny for quite some time now. Government inquiries of the industry date back …
It is becoming clearer and clearer why the Big Pharma-owned corporations and crooks wanted so badly for Hillary Clinton to …
You may not want to hear it put this plainly, but vaccines, as administered today, are the most devastating form …
A new warning has emerged about the use of Gardasil, a vaccine for the human papilloma virus (HPV). Gardasil (a …
In 2012, over 700 people across 20 different states were diagnosed with fungal meningitis and other infections after being given …
According to the CBC, an unpublished clinical trial is missing data for a third of its participants. The drug tested …
Alzheimer’s patients who take antipsychotic drugs have a significantly increased risk of dying early compared to those who don’t, new …
Pill-pushing is apparently a difficult job for some pharmacists, including one from Northern Ireland who reportedly killed a woman back …
What investors had hoped would build into yet another 2.68 percent dividend yield for pharmaceutical behemoth Eli Lilly has turned …
Let’s just get the truth out about aspartame. Jim Turner is a lawyer who has spent decades educating people about …
Suicide is a complicated thing. The who, what, when, where and why of ending your own life are equally complex, …