News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
FDA approves genetically engineered pigs for food and medicine
Genetically engineered pigs will soon be introduced into the American food supply. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) just approved the first-of-its-kind, intentional genomic alteration for domestic pigs. The experiment takes animal farming to an entirely new level, introducing genetic alterations that could cause genetic ripple effects for decades to come. The genetically engineered […]
By Lance D Johnson
FDA reveals long list of serious health conditions that may result from covid-19 vaccinations, including death
Behind closed doors, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has discussed a long list of serious health problems that will be caused by new covid-19 injections. These “adverse events” are not publicized because vaccine companies and their media cohorts need everyone to believe that the vaccines are “safe and effective.” But the list of […]
By Lance D Johnson
SCIENCE FRAUD: Covid-19 vaccines were manufactured and stockpiled by the military long before they were tested and “approved”
The largest looting operation of the year had to be the federal government’s $20+ billion “Operation Warp Speed” vaccination program, a taxpayer-funded gambit that promised a safe and effective covid-19 vaccine before the 2020 election. Because the emergency vaccine program did not seek consent from American taxpayers, the final distribution plan will similarly coerce compliance […]
By Lance D Johnson
Former FDA head says lockdowns are no longer necessary, as growing number of public health officials scramble to regain public trust
Former FDA commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb made his regular appearance on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.” This time the conversation wasn’t about the need to keep Americans locked down using stay-at-home orders and business closures. Instead, the segment was used to inform viewers that the lock downs are no longer necessary. This comes on the heels of […]
By Lance D Johnson
FDA skipping phase 3 trials on COVID vaccines, turning the American people into guinea pigs for Big Pharma’s high-profit medical experiments
The arrogance of those who worship vaccine science is on full display now. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) just made a commitment to authorize millions of new covid-19 vaccines before the already corrupted phase three trials are complete. The arrogance is so brazen, President Donald Trump is putting the military in charge of rolling […]
By Lance D Johnson
The rule of law is dead: There will be no legal recourse for anyone injured by new covid-19 vaccines
AstraZeneca is one of twenty-five pharmaceutical companies that are entering into liability-free vaccine contracts with governments around the world. These corrupt contracts give the vaccine maker legal immunity when their vaccines harm people, giving pharmaceutical companies power over the courts. The rule of law is officially dead, as millions of victims line up to be […]
By Lance D Johnson
Government agencies coordinate to raid clinics and threaten doctors who help patients stay healthy during coronavirus pandemic
A vast wealth of knowledge on the human immune system has been suppressed during the covid-19 pandemic, and the government is actively censoring doctors who help patients overcome covid-19. When the federal coronavirus task force took the stage in March, the country was put into a state of perpetual, cascading emergencies. The public was left […]
By Lance D Johnson
The medical establishment has been pushing flawed data to withhold a viable treatment for COVID-19 patients – does anyone remember Tuskegee?
The World Health Organization and governments around the world have been using flawed data to withhold a viable treatment for patients with covid-19. The trusted data, published in prestigious medical journals, turns out to be fraudulent and comes from an obscure medical analytics company that is run in part by a science fiction author and […]
By Lance D Johnson
Avoid airline food: The FDA has issued a warning about unsafe food conditions
The quality of airline food is being called into question. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning letter in March 2018 to a major airline catering company, warning about unsafe and insanitary conditions and kitchens “contaminated with filth.” The FDA found a Kentucky food preparation facility to be so insanitary, they claimed that […]
By Lance D Johnson
Showy Biomedical CEO injects himself with untested herpes treatment in front of live audience and calls it “science transparency”
In order to get attention for his biomedical startup, CEO Aaron Traywick got on stage in front of a live Facebook audience and injected himself with an experimental gene-altering herpes treatment. Traywick called the live injection an attempt “to increase scientific transparency and move science forward,” but his shenanigans looked more like a cheap PR […]
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