News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Most cancer drugs make it to the market without any proof they’re safe or effective
As if suffering from cancer weren’t bad enough on its own, a new study has found that nearly two-thirds of the cancer drugs that gained authorization from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) from 2009 to 2013 did not offer any clear proof that they would extend or improve patients’ lives. The study, which was carried […]
By Cassie B.
Check out the “poison papers” website that has collected thousands of documents on U.S. government collusion with the toxic chemical industry
A treasure trove of documents exposing the dirty deeds of the chemical industry has now been posted online thanks to the efforts of the Center for Media and Democracy and the Bioscience Resource Project. The documents, which date back to the 1920s, illustrate the lengths to which the chemical industry has gone to cover up […]
By Cassie B.
Lawmaker wants to legalize use of prescription painkillers for death sentences
A state senator in Maryland is now calling for lethal injection to be reinstated in the state for certain crimes, and he wants to use the same drugs that are already killing thousands of Americans each year to get the job done: heroin and fentanyl. Hartford Country Republican Senator Robert G. Cassilly would like to […]
By Cassie B.
Chemical hormone blockers used to turn children into transgenders deemed “child abuse” by pediatricians
The President of the American College of Pediatricians has expressed concern about the dangerous practice of prescribing hormone blockers to children who think they are transgender in order to prevent their bodies from developing the way nature intended them to. Dr. Michelle Cretella told a forum about transgenderism sponsored by the Heritage Foundation that facilitating […]
By Cassie B.
Scientists unable to find any proof that cancer drugs improve or extend life, prompting them to demand evidence before approval
Many people would be surprised by how few medications are truly effective, with popular medications like antidepressants and statins having very poor records when it comes to actually solving the medical problems they are designed to address. In the latest disappointing news in this regard, a recent study published in BMJ shows that there is […]
By Cassie B.
Great Lakes fish found heavily contaminated with antidepressant drug chemicals
A new study has found alarmingly high concentrations of human antidepressants in several species of fish in the Niagara River, an important conduit connecting Lake Erie with Lake Ontario. The researchers discovered the presence of antidepressants and their metabolites in brain tissue in fish such as smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, rock bass, white bass, white […]
By Cassie B.
How Big Pharma rips off everybody by selling low-cost pills at over 1000% mark-ups
There are lots of reasons that people despise Big Pharma, but a recent investigation has revealed yet another way that drug companies are ripping people off: by selling the exact same medications for very different prices using different packaging. According to U.K. consumer watchdog group Which?, some branded medications are being sold for up to […]
By Cassie B.
BOMBSHELL review finds FDA using shoddy, junk science to fast-track drug approvals
The FDA is coming under fire after a study has found that they base drug approval decisions on low-quality research. In response to criticism about the amount of time it takes for urgently needed drugs to be approved, the agency developed an “accelerated approval” procedure for drugs that treat serious conditions where few other options […]
By Cassie B.
America on drugs: Shocking one-third of U.S. adults are prescribed opioids
If you think that America’s opioid epidemic hasn’t touched your life, statistics show there is a good chance you are wrong, with one out of every three American adults taking opioids during 2015. That equates to 92 million adults. It’s a shocking statistic that means you could well know more than one person who is […]
By Cassie B.
Pharmaceutical industry panics; experts admit prescription drugs don’t work for dementia and they probably never will
With 47 million people around the world suffering from dementia and 115 million people expected to have the illness by 2050, finding ways to prevent and treat it is a matter of urgency. When the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference was held this year, many of the experts on hand were a lot more focused on […]
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