News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Controversial gene-editing procedure to fight AIDS is again being considered by scientists, despite disastrous results a decade ago
When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced last year that people who take HIV medication religiously for six months can theoretically get to point where they can’t transmit the virus, it was considered a huge advancement. There remains no cure for HIV and AIDS, although it is not the death sentence that it […]
By Cassie B.
The vaccine manufacturing process could be contributing to disease epidemics due to retrovirus contamination
Vaccines are highly controversial, and much of the debate rightly surrounds their connection to autism and their inclusion of mercury and other heavy metals. However, there is another aspect of vaccines that doesn’t get as much attention even though it could have grave repercussions for life on this planet: Retrovirus contamination. A type of virus […]
By Cassie B.
The hunt to eradicate safe and effective medication: Homeopathy in the cross hairs
Many of us have trouble trusting the FDA, given their horrible track record when it comes to protecting Americans’ health and safety, so we turn to homeopathic remedies instead. Unfortunately, this option could be about to become a lot more difficult as the FDA has announced a draft guidance for regulating homeopathic products. Is yet […]
By Cassie B.
Banned in Japan, highly recommended in the U.S., Tamiflu causes another child to hallucinate, suffer seizures
With all the alarming flu death headlines making the rounds these days, it’s easy to see how someone could be frightened into taking flu medications to be “on the safe side.” Unfortunately, the popular flu drug Tamiflu is anything but safe, and more examples of its potential dangers are coming to light as the flu […]
By Cassie B.
ADHD drug use has skyrocketed 345% among young women in 12 years according to the CDC, increasing birth defects
As Big Pharma and the medical establishment continue to convince people they have various medical conditions and need medications to function or even survive, we’re seeing rises in the use of everything from antidepressants to statins. However, a new report from the CDC is shedding light on one disturbing trend in particular: a sharp spike […]
By Cassie B.
Texas girl suffers violent hallucinations after taking FDA-approved Tamiflu
A North Texas family had no idea what was in store for them when they gave their six-year-old daughter a popular flu medication, and now they are trying to warn others of the drug’s very frightening side effects. It started out innocently enough, with an unnamed family bringing their daughter to a doctor with flu-like […]
By Cassie B.
Cancer industry drug company ruthlessly raises cancer drug price by 1400% to price gouge patients
Dealing with cancer is devastating enough on its own, but when the drug your doctors have told you that you need costs a ridiculous amount of money, it adds even more stress to an already traumatic situation. Unfortunately, this is the sad reality for the many people who need lomustine, a drug that can be […]
By Cassie B.
Molecular medication “mirror images” have extremely toxic effects in humans, turning “safe” drugs into deadly killers
One risk in the pharmaceutical industry that tends to get glossed over quite a bit is racemization, which occurs when a drug essentially turns into a mirror image of itself, which in some cases might make it inert and in others could cause it to become extremely dangerous. The chemical conditions in the body play […]
By Cassie B.
It’s like they WANT people to suffer: In another case of Big Pharma greed, “periodic paralysis” drug that used to be free now costs over $100,000 a year
In yet another story of heartless price gouging, a pharmaceutical company has raised the price of a drug that was once free to more than $100,000 a year. Businesses exist to make money, of course, but Big Pharma is no stranger to taking advantage of people’s suffering. Turning a profit is one thing, but being […]
By Cassie B.
No good reason for the opioid epidemic: Clinical trial showed no “significant difference” in pain relief for treating arm or leg pain using opioids vs non-opioids
There is a lot of finger-pointing going on when it comes to the cause of the opioid epidemic. The pharmaceutical companies making these drugs often get the bulk of the blame, with the doctors who prescribe them following closely behind in the culpability leaderboard. To be fair, some opioid addictions start out fairly innocently, with […]
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