Friday, March 31, 2017 by S.D. Wells
In 2017, it’s easy to assume that because doctors and surgeons are so great at mending broken bones and clearing out clogged arteries that scientists would be just as precise and efficient in the design and testing of immunizations, but what if you found out just the opposite was true? To question something as “monumental” and “prolific” as inoculations requires courage, intelligence and the ability to accept the truth – whether you like the answer that you get or not. Can you accept it? Would you? When?
Maybe today’s medical science isn’t all it’s “cracked up” to be, and maybe, just maybe, everything you hear and read about in “peer reviewed” journals is one huge lie repeated over and over again. Let’s examine true science and you can be the final judge.
Sometimes the truth hurts, but what hurts much worse is when you or your children are injured by chemical-medical violence that’s experimental, untested and unsafe, as admitted by the CDC themselves on their own website. Most people investigating their own health, their own medications, and the ingredients in their vaccinations want to see it printed on the product or on a reliable website. Here we go.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention admits and publishes in plain view on their website that today’s vaccines contain African Green Monkey kidney cells, human diploid fibroblast cell cultures from abortions, fetal bovine serum (blood from untested cows), modified Eagle’s medium (yes, wild birds), chicken embryo, porcine circovirus (deadly wild pig virus), and Madin-Darby Canine Kidney cell protein (from untested dogs).
Wait, there’s more!
As if it’s not sick and twisted enough to inject pregnant women, newborns, babies, children, teens, young adults, parents, grandparents and the elderly with experimental blood and infected cells from all these animals, the CDC and FDA approve vaccine manufacturers using E. Coli, mixed-combined strains of live viruses, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), deadly mercury (listed as thimerosal — and yes, it’s still in vaccines!), sodium chloride, aluminum (increases intensity of mercury), and get this… worm ovary cells from the fall armyworm, as used in the Flucelvax flu shot.
Realize this: Hardly a living soul reads the vaccine insert before getting vaccinated because they all trust their doctors and nurses and “modern American medicine.” Big mistake. If you are highly allergic to peanuts, dairy, or other people’s blood that’s not your blood type, wouldn’t it make sense to avoid injecting experimental ingredients from wild animals and insects? What about blood samples from abortions? Who even knows what was wrong with those babies?
On most vaccine inserts it reads, “no controlled trials” have been conducted that adequately demonstrate a decrease in disease after vaccination. Don’t believe it? Check the vaccine sheet for Flulaval flu shot. The insert readily admits the vaccine has never been subjected to scientific clinical trials. Here’s the quote:
“There have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with Flulaval.”
Ethan Huff, a reporter for Natural News, stated it best recently:
… in addition to all the viruses, heavy metals, chemical preservatives, food colorings, and other toxic ingredients used in making vaccines … children today are being injected with some of the most disturbing and poisonous substances known to mankind, and very few people seem at all concerned with what’s going on.
Don’t miss the upcoming docu-series called The Truth About Vaccines, which features the Health Ranger and 60 other experts who reveal shocking truths about vaccine ingredients, medical science, immunology and more.
It’s time to open your mind and learn something you might not know:
Tagged Under: Tags: bad medicine, CDC, FDA, flu shot toxic, Immunizations, inoculations, monkey kidney cells, toxic flu shot, toxic vaccines, vaccine excipients, vaccine toxins