Thursday, January 19, 2017 by Natural News Editors
While more and more people are becoming educated about the true history of Monsanto and genetically engineered foods, most still don’t realize one extremely important piece of information: the FDA’s surprising lack of safety testing.
(Article by BlackListedNews.com)
In regards to GMOs, the FDA’s declaration of “substantial equivalence” means that there is no long-term, independent safety testing of new foods and crops that have been genetically engineered.
When it comes to the forthcoming GMO pineapple, that is once again the case: the FDA has said that Del Monte’s proposed creation is “safe” based solely on information submitted by the company itself. There is a distinct lack of information on long-term potential health effects, however.
The new GMO pineapple has been given a rubber stump, and it could be headed to store shelves. Here’s what you need to know about it.
New “Pink” Pineapple To Be Grown in Costa Rica
Costa Rica is one of the most diverse and natural paradises in the world, but now the country is expected to be the site of the latest GMO experiment: an “extra sweet pink flesh” pineapple.
Here’s how the new pineapple was created according to the FDA:
“Del Monte’s new pineapple has been genetically engineered to produce lower levels of the enzymes already in conventional pineapple that convert the pink pigment lycopene to the yellow pigment beta carotene. Lycopene is the pigment that makes tomatoes red and watermelons pink, so it is commonly and safely consumed.”
According to the company’s information the product is “safe,” but the process itself has many questioning it, wondering if perhaps any unintended consequences will come from “playing God” with such a widely consumed food.
While genetic engineering can be explained simply in a surface way, it also can create unseen changes at a cellular level that the everyday person is not aware of, critics say. When GMOs were originally approved, the FDA ignored its own scientists’ warnings about potential allergens and long-term health concerns.
The FDA and GMO companies disagree with critics on the need for long-term independent safety testing, however.
“(Del Monte) submitted information to the agency to demonstrate that the pink flesh pineapple is as safe and nutritious as its conventional counterparts,” the FDA said according to this report from NBC News.
According to the NBC report, the pineapple will simply be labeled “extra sweet pink flesh pineapple,” suggesting that no special labels showing that it is genetically engineered will be required.
For more on the pineapple, check out the full NBC News report by clicking here.
Read more at: BlackListedNews.com
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