Tuesday, January 17, 2017 by Mike Adams
The CDC is a criminal operation that preys upon innocent children using fraudulent science. The “Vaccine Holocaust,” as it is sometimes called, is a deliberate and widespread assault on children using chemical violence. This war on children must be brought to an end in the name of compassion, sanity and legitimate science (not the fraudulent corporate science pushed by vaccine companies and the corrupt CDC).
Right now, mercury is still used in vaccines given to children and expectant mothers in the United States. This practice is barbaric, highly unethical and stands in horrific opposition to all the known science on the neurotoxicity of mercury. Those engaged in the continued pushing of mercury vaccines onto children are knowingly taking part in the most gruesome and dishonest medical science cover-up in the history of our world. It is time that parents, citizens, independent scientists and compassionate protectors of life took a stand against the child poisoners who are pushing mercury vaccines that cause permanent neurological disorders in children (including autism in some children).
I’ve posted a heated podcast below, where I describe mercury vaccine pushers as “medical child molesters” and call for their criminalization and arrest for taking part in the commission of crimes against humanity. (Why is medical child abuse acceptable when it’s carried out by doctors?)
Here are a few science quotes about mercury (Thimerosal) and autism. Below these quotes, you’ll find my podcast that lays out the greater argument for why we must stop the criminals at the CDC and Big Pharma from chemically assaulting our children with toxic vaccines.
To learn more, stay informed about vaccines at Vaccines.news, and watch for our upcoming launch of Thimerosal.news as well.
Here are a few science quotes about links between vaccines and autism to set the stage:
From 1991 to 1999, the number of children requiring special education services for autism increased by 500%. This study investigated the link between developmental disability in children 1-9 years of age and prior infant vaccination with 3 doses of the newly recommended mercury-containing hepatitis B vaccine. Boys who received 3 doses of the mercury-containing hepatitis B vaccine during infancy were nearly 9 times more likely (OR=8.63) than unvaccinated boys to need early intervention services, a proxy for developmental disability. This study provides strong evidence toward answering the Institute of Medicine’s open question about whether there is a link between mercury-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders. In developing nations, hepatitis B (and other) vaccines still contain mercury. In the United States, some influenza vaccines still contain mercury. Boys who received hepatitis B vaccines containing mercury were 3 times more likely than unvaccinated boys to develop autism.
– Millers Review of Critical Vaccine Studies – 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized by Neil Z. Miller
There is an unarguable causal connection between MMR and autism. Fortunately, Wakefield was finally unmuzzled, and in his shocking book Callous Disregard we learn the whole story behind the story. For anyone who actually looks at the record, Wakefield is exonerated and validated – scientifically, legally, and ethically. To pay the price he paid for standing up to the world medical profession and exposing their systematic negligence – that’s something supremely rare in today’s world. Moral fiber, professional integrity it’s an honor to belong to the same species as Andrew Wakefield. Studies linking autism with vaccines. The mid-1990s class action payouts by the tobacco industiy – over $250 billion -would pale by comparison to settlements that would result from even a scintilla of an admission about a link between autism and vaccines, especially from their most toxic sources – aluminum, thimerosal and MMR. Mercury AND AUTISM – What is mercury? An elemental metal, liquid in its natural form, historically mercury was called quicksilver. Mercury is the third most toxic substance known to man. It is the most toxic nonradioactive metal.
– Vaccination Is Not Immunization by Tim O’Shea
Analyzing VAERS, children who received DTaP vaccines with thimerosal were significantly more likely to develop autism (OR = 2.6), mental retardation (OR=2.5), and personality disorders (OR =1.5) when compared to children who received thimerosal-free DTaP vaccines. For every additional microgram (mcg) of mercury injected into a child via thimerosal-containing vaccines, the odds of developing autism increased by 2.9%, mental retardation increased by 4.8%, and personality disorders increased by 1.2%. Data from the U.S. Department of Education revealed a significant relationship between increasing mercury from thimerosal in childhood vaccines and autism (OR = 2.5) and speech disorders (OR = 1.4).
Compared to FDA safety guidelines for the daily oral ingestion of methyl-mercury, children received up to 32 times more mercury than allowable from their childhood vaccines. The findings in this study and others indicate that thimerosal should be removed immediately from all childhood vaccines.
– Millers Review of Critical Vaccine Studies – 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized by Neil Z. Miller
Beyond vaccines, other recent studies have found significant associations between environmental sources of mercury exposure and autism spectrum disorders. A study supported by the CDC implicated mercury, among other metals, as the air pollutant most associated with higher risks of autism spectrum disorder diagnoses among a sample of children born in the San Francisco Bay area in 1994.789 A follow-up study extended the findings to other parts of California.Meanwhile, a master’s thesis completed at Louisiana State University in 2006 noted an association between mercury in fish and air emissions and developmental disorders, including autism. Also in 2006 and then in 2009, researchers demonstrated that increases in environmental mercury (from power plants, for instance) and distance from point sources of mercury exposure in Texas were significantly related to the risk of an individual being diagnosed with an ASD. The 2006 study found that “on average, for each 1000 lb of environmentally released mercury, there was a 43% increase in the rate of special education services and a 61% increase in the rate of autism.
– Thimerosal – Let the Science Speak – The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury — a Known Neurotoxin — from Vaccines by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
There is strong resistance among drug companies, and government regulators to the notion that mercury might be the cause of today’s autism epidemic. They back up their claims with data that has been manipulated and faulty studies. The most damning response to their claims is case histories like Jake’s, where children have made a complete recovery from autism following heavy metal chelation. According to the largest survey of its kind ever undertaken, removing mercury from the bodies of autistic kids via chelation is the therapy most commonly found to improve or eliminate of the symptoms of autism. Research has also found that those who survived acrodynia produced grandchildren with a far greater incidence of autism – a sign of heritable mercury sensitivity. Mercury was present in most childhood vaccines until 2000, and is still present in flu vaccines. However, the especially large autism epidemic in the US may have a second cause – high fructose corn syrup, which often contains mercury well above safe levels. In addition, there is the burden of mercury a fetus receives as a result of the mother’s mercury burden due to amalgams, injections and food intake.
– Mercury Poisoning – The Undiagnosed Epidemic by David Hammond
This study found that the children with autism studied had elevated porphyrin levels; those with Asperger’s were also elevated, but not as high as those with autism, and when a subgroup of children with autism was treated with the chelator DMSA, the result was a significant drop in urinary porphyrin excretion. These data implicate environmental toxicity in childhood autistic disorder. “Comparison of Blood and Brain mercury Levels in Infant Monkeys Exposed to Methylmercury or vaccines Containing Thimerosal” The CDC has used the ingested methylmercury safety standard to claim that injected ethylmercury is safe. This study demonstrates that methylmercury standards are not a suitable measure for determining risk from injected ethylmercury exposure, as injected ethylmercury becomes trapped in the brain at a much higher rate than ingested methylmercury.
-VACCINE EPIDEMIC – How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children by Louise Kuo Habakus, M.A. and Mary Holland, J.D.
Hear the Health Ranger podcast accusing mercury vaccine pushers of “chemical violence” against children
Click here to listen at Health Ranger Report, or listen below:
Tagged Under: Tags: autism, Bill Posey, book review, neurological damage, preservatives, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., scientific evidence, Thimerosal, vaccine safety, vaccines